
First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails to the list. Some e-mail clients add all kinds of extra html tags (see your post below), reduce the size of the font such that it is unreadable, or change the color to a grayish color, making it much more difficult to read.

You have several options for a 386 processor, depending on how much hard-drive space you have. One would be peanut, as Civilme suggested, another would be tiny (, and there are others -- take a look at the english distribution list on


Michael Viron
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:17 PM 06/06/2001 +0200, Christina Kokori wrote:
Normal 0 DocumentEmail 21 0 0

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>Hi there all you newbies,

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>I happen to be one of the totally ignorant newbies who hasnt got the faintest notion of computer languages although I love playing around with them!!! style="mso-spacerun: yes"> I have an extremely old 386 processor with DOS 6.0 version and Windows in Japanese. yes"> Unfortunately, not being Japanese, I cannot work with it. I have a Linux Mandrake 7.2 CD Rom but can't install it as the processor is too old. yes"> I have tried looking in the download pages on the Linux homepage, but as I am totally ignorant, I have no idea what to download. style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Is anybody able to help me, pretty please with a cherry on top!!.

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>Thanking you soooooooo much in advance.

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> 12.0pt;font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>

size=3 color=blue face="Bradley Hand ITC"> font-family:"Bradley Hand ITC";color:blue'>Christina Kokori


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