Hello i have two questions ... 
First: how do i make konqueror use my netscape flash plugin ?
Second: i have a wheelmouse (logitech m-s48) and its installed and accepted 
by Mandrake 8 as logitech mouseman+ and it actually works fine with netscape 
and other progs just in konqueror it wont use the wheel, actually if i 
remember right at first it did work after the installation of MDK8 2 days ago 
but now not anymore ... i didnt change anything it just quit working what can 
i do ? where can i configure the mouse especially for kde apps? 
Actually i DID change something i changed to the gnome login manager with 
creating a file in /etc/sysconfig with the entry `desktop=gnome` because i 
installed the nvidia drivers and gl-apps will only work like that cause there 
is a problem with the permissions: (see forwarded message at the bottom of 
this mail its taken out of the lokigames newsgroup and helped me much, it 
might be interresting for you guys too )

Start of forwarded message by Henrik (thx Henrik i hope you dont mind =)):

I've found out the following :
The problems people are having with nVIDIAs new drivers that seem to hinder 
specific apps and games from working are completely unrelated to SDL.
The problem appears with any GL apps that have another screen resolution. 
If you are one of the people who have UT/Quake3/Tribes2 or whatever working 
but not tuxracer and gltron, try moving your Quake3 settings out of the way 
to see Quake3 crash with the default screen-settings (Q3 does not use SDL I 

SOLUTION  (and the way to it) : 
I discovered that by setting runlevel to 3 and starting x as root, things 
would work. No other users would have access to GL in this configuration 
however. I figured there might be a problem with permissions, and changed 
group for /dev/nv* to xgrp, but before testing this I came up with the 
actual, perfectly working solution :

You must change your login manager from kdm to gdm. On Mandrake 8.0 (and 
probably other RedHat-based systems) you must create the file 
'/etc/sysconfig/desktop' containing the line 'DESKTOP=GNOME'. This will 
give you gdm as login-manager (I know, it IS ugly and unintuitive).
After logging in with gdm, every GL app should now work, and better than 
with the old drivers. Hooray!

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