After having problems with the Nvida driver installation I could not get
fullscreen antialiasing (FSAA) to work with the new drivers. After doing
quite a few tweaks and checking and re-checking my installation and
configuration I e-mailed Nvidia and got the following responce:

There was a change in the FSAA with the 1251 drivers that didnt get updated
with the documentation.  The __GL_FSAA_QUALITY variable is no longer
correct.  It is now __GL_FSAA_MODE.  Setting it to 3 will enable 1.5x1.5,
and setting it to 4 with enable 2x2.  Any other value for your card will not
provide FSAA.

This is an undocumented change in the drivers and may interest those who
have upgraded and then lost some functionality.

My system specs are below for those interested:

AMD 1.333GHz 266
Geforce2 GTS 64MB
Mandrake Linux 7.2
        Kernel 2.2.17-21mdk
        XFree86 Version 4.0.3

FSAA is great feature of these drivers and makes onscreen 3D modeling look


Albion E. Baucom

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