Thanks for the heads up on html mail...i just installed this new email
client on my MAC and forgot to set the preferences.

The router is a DHCP server which provides dynamic ip#s to the clients.

I did not set up a "route"(not sure how to do that).

All of the clients are behind the router, which is the firewall.

How do I tell if the DHCP / bootp is running?

I do try to ping the router, but get "host unreachable"


> Ralph, 
> First, please try not to post htmlized e-mails to the list.  Some e-mail
> clients add all kinds of extra html tags, reduce the size of the font such
> that it is unreadable, or change the color to a grayish color, making it much
> more difficult to read.
> There are several other questions that people on the list are going to need to
> know to help to resolve the problem -- for example, are these static or
> dynamic IPs (dynamic as in provided by dhcp or bootp)?  Do you have a route
> set up on the linux boxes that is the IP of the router?  Is any of this behind
> a firewall?  Have you made sure that your dhcp / bootp server is in fact
> running?  And if it is, can you get from the linux box to the dhcp / bootp
> server? 
> All of these questions will help the people on this list to give you advice
> targeted for your situation.
> Michael 

Ralph Brown

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