Linux handles files much differently than DOS. There's an excellent four
part article at www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/basics/bfiles.html.

Leif Madsen wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm coming from a DOS (since version 4.0) and Windows (no biggie.. I got KDE
> if I need it :)) environment, and I'm not totally sure how the directory
> structure is laid out?  What are the DOS equivelants (if any) of the /etc/
> /usr/ etc.. directories?
> Where do files that I compile and install should go?  Is there a "progra~1"
> type directory?
> I just have a wierd fetish with keeping everyone on my hard drive organized,
> and don't want to go about and have stuff where things shouldn't go in
> Linux.
> Also.. for a download dir.. should it be /usr/download ?
> Thanks for the help!  If you want to point me to a HOWTO.. I'd be more than
> happy to read it.
> Thanks again,
> Leif Madsen

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