The system bios wil see a drive as long as it's the correct type and
configured correctly via jumpers, connected properly to the board with
pin1 to pin1....

As for removing the previous os, you will need a bootable floppy with
fdisk and format on it.  You first remove any old partitions, create your
new partitions and then format the drive for the new os.  But, you must
get the system bios to see the drive first.

Be sure you have it set as master if it's a single drive.  Verify the
cable and power connections..  On the wide data cable, the marked side
should be on pin 1 to both the drive and the board.  

Do you hear the drive spin up when you power on?  


Ed Kasky
Los Angeles, CA
Just another day in paradise... }B->)

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Michael A Duffy wrote:

> Hi List,
> I had LM 8.0 loaded onto a smaller sized HD than the one I am using now. I
> now want to remove Linux, and re-install Win98 onto my kids machine, but
> even the bios can't find the HD! Fdisk couldn't find a fixed disk either!
> Hmmm...My question is how do you remove the Linux, and have the HD available
> for another OS??
> Michael

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