civileme wrote:

> Umm it may not work at all under linux.  Does it have a special windows 
> driver?

In MS windows98 it needs one and, funny enough, in W2k on the laptop 
while W2k
on the desktop PC mounts it without the need of a special driver.

> The way to set it up for mounting is to 
> a) use the linux instruction mknod to set up a device if one is not already 
> set up.
> b) enter the information about the drive, mount point(s), filesystem used, 
> mount options, and 0 0 in one or more lines of /etc/fstab
> Your friends are the console comands
> man mknod
> man fstab
> man mount

I'll certainly try it. I have tried everything but the mknod command. 
Maybe that's
what's missing.

> But, at this early stage of USB standards and USB support, all of your work, 
> no matter how correctly done, may come to naught.  First contact the drive 
> folks at website or by email or phone and ask if it does work under linux.

I found a letter on the linux-usb site from someone who succeeded with 
exactly the
values that are found in the 


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