I tried to install 8.0 on my machine, the config is as follows: P2-400, 
Promise ATA 100 PCI card, WD 13 Gig drive, Maxtor 40 Gig drive, the WD is 
Primary master, Maxtor secondary master. The root partition is /dev/hde5. I 
installed to MBR and there is no Window's on this machine. When it satarts to 
boot it goes to Kernnel panic. I have typed in the correct parms at the 
prompt, no go either way. I only have the older screwed up 7.2 from Walmart 
and it sucks. Can someone help me get 8.0 installed or tell me where to 
download the real 7.2 iso's if this wont work? HELP ME CIVILME ! Thanks for 
your time.

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