Madainn mhath...
Greetings all,
I have been "lurking" as it were on the list for several weeks now.
It's great to see so many people that are knowledgable, and so many who want to be ... excelent.
Firstly I am not the kind to ask questions until I have read and tried to find answers myself, I am thorougly frustrated at this point however. Let me say that I have had many people (on irc) suggest going into xwindows and using kppp or somthing similer. But I do not want to work from within xwindows. If I wanted to keep using GUI I would stay with windows. I am an old hand from the DOS days and command line is an old friend of mine.
I am running Mandrake 6.5.
My problem is that I am not having much success dialing out with pppd. I have an old 33.6 ISA hardware modem, jummperd approriatley. I CAN dial out using minicom. The modem is /dev/ttyS2.
I have read and printed the pages from
pppd and chat reside in /usr/sbin
As /root i used emcs to crete four (4) files; ppp.start, iq.cht, resolv.conf (in /etc), and ppp.down  these files now reside in /root as that is where they saved to. Details...
ppp.start   (resides in /root)
pppd /dev/ttyS2 38400 connect `chat -f` mru 1500 crtscts :   (resides in /root)
"" ATDT<mydilup#> CONNECT "" host: ppp ogin: <my login> assword: <my password>
/etc/resolv.conf   (Note: This file was not present before I created it.)
domain <my ISP domain name>
nameserver <appropriate primary IP>
nameserver <appropriate secondry IP>
ppp.down   (resides in /root) ( -l is lower case L)
kill -l  `cat /var/run/`
last night i envoked the ppp.start command as /root. The cursor hesitated for just a second, then I ws returned to a command prompt. No dialing insued.
I had thought that perhaps /usr/sbin/chat was not in the "path" (still working on what standard paths are in linux - is there anything like autoexec.bat where pathing can be set?) but pppd is in /usr/sbin  and it invokes fine from /root.
This morning I envoked the following comand as /root;  : cat "atdt mydilup#" > /dev/ttyS2
No dialing insued.
I would appreciate ny thoughts and/or input.
Thanks in advance...

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