On Wednesday 20 June 2001 00:56, Adriano Grassi wrote:
> Hi I just installed 8.0 and I am not really familiar with
> iptables but I am familiar with ipchains, how can I use
> ipchains instead of iptables? What's the difference
> between then, except syntax? Which one is better?
> Thanks for your time.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Adriano

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ipchains is an admin tool that you can install from the 8.0 
disks if you look on them:

rpm -q ipchains - to see if it's installed on your system
rpm -ivh ipchainsxx - to install it from the CD

you need to enable ipchains compatibility in the kernel by 
loading the ipchains module as well:

lsmod - to see if the kernel module has already been loaded
insmod ipchains - this command will hopefully load the 
ipchains module into your 8.0 kernel...or...you can simply 
make a new kernel with the ipchains compatibility built in!

good luck and i hope this helps.


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

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