Try typing "linux single" if aurora gives you the option (if not, there
should be some way of booting to single user mode).  Once in single user
mode, then run linuxconf and switch off the xfs service temporarily--also
make sure to edit /etc/inittab so you are booting to runlevel 3.

Reboot, and you should at least be able to get to a command prompt where
you can further debug whatever is going wrong with XFS and / or get any
information that might be useful for the list.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 11:38 AM 06/21/2001 -0500, JP Urban wrote:
>Okay... I'm the one who posted a while back and listed my whole system
>specs and walked through my installation to the point of the error. 
>Now I'm having a whole new problem!
>The system just will not boot... and what's worse... with Aurora doing my
>booting, I can't find any of the data that would normally help me figure
>out what's wrong.
>Civilme suggested back when I had the install trouble to do a memory test.
>I've done that and had no luck, because my memory all checked out.
>Right now, I'm freezing up at Starting X Font Server.  I cannot get to a
>login or a command prompt, and I've tried pretty much everything I can
>think of.  :(
>Any ideas here?

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