Hi everybody, I'd be grateful if somebody could please help me with the 
following problem.
Every now and then (> once a day!) Xfree86 crashes on me. 
I may be inside KDE, doing my work or just browsing away in konqueror when it 
crashes and restarts and I get the graphical login.
Sometimes it crashes during bootup, causing the computer to fall down into 
runlevel 3.
What do you think is the likely reason?
I can't find anything in /var/log/messages.

My guess would be the graphics card setup. I have ATI Xpert 2000, 32 MB 
memory, 2xAGP
I've set it up using Xfree 4.0.3, w.o. 3-D accel, and I've gone into 
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and commented out the lines where the glx and dri 
modules are loaded, but it kept crashing.
Resolution: 1024x768, 16bpp.
XFdrake detects the card as Rage 128. Should I be using that or should I be 
setting it to Xpert 99? (I'm testing that right now, getting some display 
artifacts, but no crashes yet).
Or should I switch to Xfree86 3.3.6?

I really appreciate your help,

H. Narfi Stefansson

Other setup info:
Mandrake 8.0, I downloaded the 2 GLP CDs. Kernel 2.4.3, Xfree 4.0.3, 384MB 
memory, 466MHz Celeron, Intel440BX motherboard, Viewsonic E771 17" monitor.

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