First of all thanks to everyone in advance, and I apologize for the long

I am unable to connect through my router to my cable modem. I subscribed
last week to Road Runner service here in the New York City area. In order to
set up a quick LAN I purchased a Netgear RT314 Gateway Router and 2 NIC
cards. I have 2 computers on the network; my wife's Win95 machine and my box
dual booting Win2K and Mandrake 7.1.

On my pc in Win2K everything works fine obtaining IP and DNS addresses
automatically. And in Mandrake when I connect the cable directly from my
Netgear FA312 NIC card using dhcp, to the Toshiba DOCSIS PCX1100U cable
modem, that works fine also. But everything fails when I plug into the
router. Pump fails on boot, and also fails if I try to activate the card in
the Network Configurator control-panel. I have tried to set the IP address
manually and specifying a default gateway: (my router) but with
no luck. I am not even able to ping the router.

I have searched and looked at every posting, archive and FAQ I could get my
hands on and cannot figure it out. All the ones that I have seen address how
to connect directly to the modem, not through a network. (Big thanks to the
Linux Road Runner HOW-TO Web site, and to Donald Becker for writing the
natsemi.c driver that got my FA312 card working!) If anybody has any ideas
or suggestions or url's that would point me into the right direction it
would be a great help.

Here is my configuration info from Network Configurator;
Hostname: jdowns (my account name)
Name: localhost.localdomain
Nicknames: localhost
Interface: lo
proto: none
atboot: yes
Interface: eth0
proto: dhcp
atboot: yes
DEVICE: eth0
Activate at boot time

This is the configuration that works when I plug directly into the cable

Again sorry for the long post, and many thanks to everyone!

Jim Downs

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