i can't think of any reason why that message shouldn't mean what it appears 
to mean, namely that you don't have that directory on the machine that is 
trying to mount the nfs share, as i said before my knowledge is at its limt 

On Wednesday 13 June 2001  2:29 am, you wrote:
> I noticed when I reboot, there's a message mount: /fsys/machine_name/usr
> mount point does not exist?  I get the same message on both machines.

why not start from the beginning, as root run this command on machine 1:
exportfs machine2name:/home

as root on machine 2 creat a temp directory say /nfs
run this command :
mount -t nfs machine1name:/home /nfs

on my two machine this allows me to cd /nfs on machine 2 and see the contents 
of /home on machine1, if this doesn't work for you then apart from using 
machine1name.localdomain and machine2name.localdomain instead of just the 
machine names i can only guess that your setup is suffuciently different to 
mine that i can't help, if this does work (check it in both directions) then 
the problem probably lies in your system files setup

> Also, when I try using your mount command now, I just get a man file
> telling me about to use various options.


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