The thing is, there are some people that have had no problem with that
motherboard.  For example, me.  I don't have any weird hardware
configs, or just weird hardware either, but the board works just fine
with me.

Then again I have had problems with custom kernels, but I can't
attribute that to the board since I'm no kernel expert to know that my
kernel was perfect and it was the hardware that posed a problem for me.

But the board already has an IDE controller on board, why'd you need to
add another one?

At this point the only reason I'd want/need to swap out the motherboard
is because it doesn't support Athlons above 1 GHz.  Meanwhile the only
one that will use the 200/266 FSB the motherboard features, is at least
a 1.2 GHz.

T. Holmes
"Real Men Us Vi!"

10:35AM  up 6 days, 27 mins, 2 users, load averages: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00
| > > 3359       Asus A7V-KT133 ATA/100 Motherboard
| > 
| > Bad Chipset Choice--very high number of bugs our kernel hackers 
| > have to keep working around.  Ask for the ASUS A7S-VM instead   
| > In fact, insist on it.
| *groan*  Wish you had told me that when I posted my new system here.
| I got the A7V-KT133. Seems to work decently, except (still) the ISDN
| handling. That is erratic in speed.
| Could that be one of the bugs? Seems that the Southbridge 686B PCI/
| IDE controller is the trouble maker in this one.
| I may try and swap the mobo for that other one, don't know if they will
| go for it though.
| Paul

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