If I've understood your requirements correctly you need to use SAMBA.
You can configure this via Linuxconf/Webmin/editing the smb.conf file. Once
it's setup correctly and working then you can use smbclient to browse
windows shares on the Linux box.

Plenty of people on this list can help you setting up SAMBA if you have any



----- Original Message -----
From: Jan-Willem Reijsenbach
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 2:03 AM
Subject: [newbie] Browsing windows peer2peer is possibel?

Hi all

This may be a stupid question but is it possible to browse windows shares in
peer 2 peer LAN?
(I have just installed LM8 (1st time) on my box which is connected to a
windoze dominated p2p LAN)
I tried Configuring LISA but it keeps telling me that it isn't configured
and Lanbrowsing
still doesn't work.

Any suggestions are appreciated,

Jan Reijsenbach

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