I have had my up and downs with this!  I have two mice on my laptop.  A
built in Glidepoint and a USB optical logitech.  At first I could I only get
one or the other to work under the Madrake control panel.  Then I learned
how to set up both mice by editing XF86config-4 file.  It didn't work at
first but for some reason both mice started working and all was well with
the world.  Then about 20 boots later the automatic hardware detection
dected two different mice.  Sure enough it rewrote my XF86config-4 file and
screwed up my duel mouse setup.  I copied my old X86config-4 file back into
place and I thought that would correct everything back again.  Nope, I'm
back to only being able to get one or the other mouses to work through the
Mandrake control panel and no matter what I do to the XF86config-4 file it
doesn't matter.  Is the mouse controlled in other places as well as the X
config file?  Any ideas?


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