Thanks for the update.  I appreciate it.

You know if it's one thing I like about the Linux community, it's the
commradery.  Sure we had our windows system engineer circles, but nothing
even close to what I have experienced with the Linux groups.


----- Original Message -----
From: "civileme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 7:36 PM
Subject: [newbie] Test report ext2resize and ext2online

> These are the basic tools for dealing with single partitions   I
> tested them very basically to see what was available
> The kernel would need a recompilation to activate ext2online (which
> expands mounted partitions), but ext2 resize works, even on a
> partition containing a bootable system.  /spare on my main system
> mount is my test area for corporate server, and I tried a boot in the
> middle after sizing down.
> Transcript of testing session follows:
> ext2online fails because a flag has to be enabled to allow it when
> the kernel is compiled.  ext2resize works... even a little too well.
> The first resize left me unbootable because I had no spare blocks for
> the system to use.  The second made me bootable again.
> Civileme
> [tester@civileme tester]$ df
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hdb9             6.3G  2.7G  3.3G  45% /
> /dev/hdb8             1.6G  398M  1.1G  26% /calm
> /dev/hda7             2.2G  2.1G   23M  99% /home
> /dev/hda6             2.9G  589M  2.2G  21% /jose
> /dev/hdb7             2.9G  1.3G  1.4G  48% /oldhome
> /dev/hda1             478M  414M   39M  91% /oldroot
> /dev/hda8             5.4G  3.1G  2.0G  61% /spare
> /dev/hdb6             3.0G   57M  2.8G   2% /7.1b
> /dev/hda1             478M  414M   39M  91% /7.2b
> [tester@civileme tester]$
>  [root@civileme tester]# umount /dev/hda8
> [root@civileme tester]# e2fsck /dev/hda8
> e2fsck 1.19, 13-Jul-2000 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
> /dev/hda8: clean, 173920/715264 files, 832492/1427769 blocks
> [root@civileme tester]# ext2resize /dev/hda8 3400m
> ext2resize v1.1.17 - 2001/03/18 for EXT2FS 0.5b
> [root@civileme tester]# df
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hdb9             6.3G  2.7G  3.3G  45% /
> /dev/hdb8             1.6G  398M  1.1G  26% /calm
> /dev/hda7             2.2G  2.1G   22M  99% /home
> /dev/hda6             2.9G  589M  2.2G  21% /jose
> /dev/hdb7             2.9G  1.3G  1.4G  48% /oldhome
> /dev/hda1             478M  414M   39M  91% /oldroot
> /dev/hdb6             3.0G   57M  2.8G   2% /7.1b
> /dev/hda1             478M  414M   39M  91% /7.2b
> [root@civileme tester]# mount /dev/hda8
> [root@civileme tester]# df
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hdb9             6.3G  2.7G  3.3G  45% /
> /dev/hdb8             1.6G  398M  1.1G  26% /calm
> /dev/hda7             2.2G  2.1G   22M  99% /home
> /dev/hda6             2.9G  589M  2.2G  21% /jose
> /dev/hdb7             2.9G  1.3G  1.4G  48% /oldhome
> /dev/hda1             478M  414M   39M  91% /oldroot
> /dev/hdb6             3.0G   57M  2.8G   2% /7.1b
> /dev/hda1             478M  414M   39M  91% /7.2b
> /dev/hda8             3.3G  3.1G   12M 100% /spare
> [root@civileme tester]# ext2online /spare 5g
> ext2online v1.1.17 - 2001/03/18 for EXT2FS 0.5b
> ext2online: resizing to 1310720 blocks
> ext2online: resize failed while in kernel
> ext2online: Invalid argument
> [root@civileme tester]# man ext2online
> Formatting page, please wait...
> [root@civileme tester]# ext2online /spare 5G
> ext2online v1.1.17 - 2001/03/18 for EXT2FS 0.5b
> ext2online: resizing to 1310720 blocks
> ext2online: resize failed while in kernel
> ext2online: Invalid argument
> [root@civileme tester]# e
> bash: e: command not found
> [root@civileme tester]# umount /spare
> [root@civileme tester]# ext2resize /dev/hda8 5g
> ext2resize v1.1.17 - 2001/03/18 for EXT2FS 0.5b
> [root@civileme tester]# mount /dev/hda8
> [root@civileme tester]# df
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hdb9             6.3G  2.7G  3.3G  45% /
> /dev/hdb8             1.6G  398M  1.1G  26% /calm
> /dev/hda7             2.2G  2.1G   22M  99% /home
> /dev/hda6             2.9G  589M  2.2G  21% /jose
> /dev/hdb7             2.9G  1.3G  1.4G  48% /oldhome
> /dev/hda1             478M  414M   39M  91% /oldroot
> /dev/hdb6             3.0G   57M  2.8G   2% /7.1b
> /dev/hda1             478M  414M   39M  91% /7.2b
> /dev/hda8             4.9G  3.1G  1.6G  66% /spare
> [root@civileme tester]# ext2online /spare 5400M
> ext2online v1.1.17 - 2001/03/18 for EXT2FS 0.5b
> ext2online: resizing to 1382400 blocks
> ext2online: resize failed while in kernel
> ext2online: Invalid argument
> [root@civileme tester]# ext2online /spare 5300M
> ext2online v1.1.17 - 2001/03/18 for EXT2FS 0.5b
> ext2online: resizing to 1356800 blocks
> ext2online: resize failed while in kernel
> ext2online: Invalid argument

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