----- Original Message -----
From: "Skinky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> I am STILL trying to install from hard drive.  After creating a native
> partition and booting with a boot disk (hd.img), I selected install to own
> partition (linux native partition).  All goes well for a while and then an
> error message comes up:
> Error
> An error occurred
> missing rate for  "<!-- Beginning of:
> /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html -->"

Hi all

I think I've found the problem file: Mandrake/Base/Serial.

If I try to download the file with Internet Explorer (right-click & select
save target as), it gets saved as a blank .txt file.  Obviously using this
file (after removing the .txt extension) when installing Mandrake doesn't

If I click on the file link itself, it opens a blank web page.  On viewing
the page's source I get the following (saving and using this file when
installing also doesn't work):

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

If I download the Serial file using GetRight, the contents when viewed in
Notepad is as follows:

<!-- Beginning of: /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html -->

<div align=center>

<table cellspacing=0 cellpading=0>

<td align=center valign=top>
<a href='http://www.planetmirror.com/'><img src='/images/pmsearch.gif'

<td align=center valign=top>
<!--start 120x60-->

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

<!-- // hide from old browers
z=120x60;ord=' + ord + '" name="frame1" width="120" height="60"
frameborder="no" border="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0"
SCROLLING="no">'); file://--></SCRIPT>

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.1"
br=!ie;sz=120x60;ord=' + ord + '"></SCRIPT>

r=!ie;sz=120x60;ord=67903291373337260?" border=0 height="60"


<!--end 120x60-->




<!-- End of: /www/htdocs/images/HEADER/dirheader.html -->

Oh sh_ _!  I just copied and pasted that from Notepad but it doesn't look
anything like that in Notepad!  I've included the Serial file as an
attachment.  Perhaps someone might know what the problem is.  Or better
still, maybe someone would be kind enough to email the file to me?

I'm looking to buy the CDs from someone in NZ if possible because it doesn't
look like I'll get Mandrake installed from the files I downloaded.  But in
the meantime...


PS. Sorry for the long message.

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