Well, I still have not personally installed MD 8.0 ....or
successfully installed a modem. But I have read more of the
manuals/books, etc.... and have asked for help from a computer
store that has one tech support person who is pretty familiar w/
Linux (but says he's not an expert on Mandrake).

But that's not stopping me from thinking about networking 3 old
computers, all with Linux installed! I'll still have one Win 98
machine upstairs, a DELL Latitude, 233 MHZ, 132 MB RAM, 2.9 GB 
& 975 MB hds for the kids, me, and husband, while I
experiment/learn Linux, etc. That machine is set up just like a
desktop and is not used outside the home ...so there's a
keyboard and mouse attached, making it much easier for kids to

The first machine, the one I'm using downstairs now, is the one
where the Linux OS was installed by CompUSA, and the modem was 
installed by a small computer store guy ... 500 MHZ CPU ... 64
MB RAM, 6.4 & 2.9 GB harddrives

The 2nd one (downstairs) currently has 40 MB RAM, 216 MHZ AMD
K6, w/ 2 1.9 Quantum Fireball hard drives. I've checked all the
hardware in the SUSE database, and it seems fine ... but I need
at least 64MB RAM for the install (32 MB for text install which
I'm NOT up for ..... BTW, the CompUSA guy said he had to do a
text install, so who knows what that means....)

The 3rd one (upstairs) currently has 40 MB RAM, 200 MHZ AMD -K6,
a 1.62 GB Fujitsu and 202 MB WS Caviar hard drives. The
motherboard is ASUS VX97 ... I couldn't find the hard drives or
the motherboard on the SUSE list ... should I assume, then, that
it's not a good idea to try to install it onto this machine? Or
are there other places to find out about hardware compatibility?

The first question I have is related to hardware ... the 2nd
about the general networking idea.  I'm thinking that the
Netgear stuff we bought a couple years ago will work ... 

Have I got the general idea here? The 3Com network card that the
computer store guy successfully installed will be in machine #1
... Computer #2 would have Netgear FA3101X REV D1, #3 would have
the FA310TX REV - D2 ... and one of those machines would also
have the Netgear 4-Port 10Base-T Ethernet Hub (model EN104).

The printer would be shared by all the machines (old HP Deskjet
400), and each machine could be on the internet  ... one at a
time, though, since our phone line makes a very slow modem
internet connection. Compared to other houses, in other
neighborhoods, it's pretty slow. Very annoying. Plus, there will
never be DSL here, and cable modem is not yet here.

A network person would have to come and put CAT5 plugs at the
ends of the cables that the remodel guys put through the walls
since we haven't been able to figure that out .... but I think
I've got the overall idea ...

Is there a glaring problem, though, with the hardware in the 3rd
computer that I'm not aware of? I can see justifying an upgrade
on that machine, but I'd love to avoid it if possible.

Any help would be appreciated ... I'm wondering which machine
should be the hub .... how you choose those kinds of things... 

Thanks in advance,


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