On Friday 22 June 2001 22:16, Jianrong Yao wrote:
> Hello, Friends,
> My computer uses Windows 98. After using Lnx4Win to
> install Linux-Mandrake 7.2, Windows 98 still runs well
> when I choose it. However, Linux-Mandrake cannot start up
> if I take this choice. The following information is
> displayed on the screen.
> "Request_module[block-major-7]: Root fs not mounted.
> VFS: Cannot open root device 07:07.
> kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 07:07."
> Please tell me what to do or how to resolve it.
> Thank you for your assistance.
> Yours Truly,
> John
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a word to the wise...DO NOT EVER USE WIN4LIN. although it 
makes the installation process easy, it does have it's 
drawbacks...ok? mostly, the fact that you will begin to 
take up space inside the linux 'folder' within win98. the 
problem with that? win98 cannot detect linux partitions! 
so, you may fill up your linux 'folder' real quick and that 
could leave windows high and dry.

the BEST thing you can do, although it's a PAIN, is backup 
your win98 system, re-partition your drive, INSTALL WINDOWS 
AGAIN, FIRST, and then install linux. ALWAYS install 
WINDOWS FIRST! installing linux on it's own partitions is 
some of the best experience you will get using the system!

for instance, i have a 20 gig seagate. i partitioned it up 
like this:

2 gig for win98 II
500 MB for linux / (root)
128 MB for linux swap
2 gig for /usr
2 gig for /usr/local
50 MB for /boot
200 MB for /tmp
200 MB for /var
2 gig for /home
and the rest i split up into 3 extra FAT (windows) 
partitions...about 2 1/2 gigs each

i've NEVER had any problems with this setup and my system 
appears to run quite smoothly. again, i know that backing 
up and re-installing is a headache, but it's some of the 
best experience you'll get...not only with linux, but 
mandrake especially!!!

good luck and don't get frustrated!!!


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

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