On Sun, 17 Jun 2001 07:00, Magnus Stenemo wrote:
> > I have similar problems with GnomeICU. The problem is that AOL
> > (ICQ's owners) like to keep their protocols private and
> > closed-source. That means that any other project to create an ICQ
> > client must reverse-engineer the protocol -- a very difficult and
> > painstaking task. I know GnomeICU is fully compatible with all ICQ
> > versions up to 2000a. Of course, by the time the protocols for
> > this were worked out by the developers and the new version
> > released, AOL had released a new version of their official ICQ
> > client, 2000b. This is a little game AOL likes to play to annoy
> > other ICQ client developers, forever keeping them on the back
> > foot. I find that when I talk to users of 2000b, I can't have a
> > real-time chat, and I have to send all messages through the server
> > -- in other words I can't establish a direct connection, just like
> > your problem.
> >
> > I have tried fiddling with firewall settings; this is not the
> > problem. The problem lies with AOL and their stranglehold on the
> > world instant messaging market.
> But it worked before I installed tinyfirewall... (it can be
> something else I installed, but I know that it has worked!
> //Magnus

ICQ has not been working well with GNU/Linux reverse-engineered 
clients for the past few weeks. I had very few problems until 
recently. I reckon AOL changed something server-side -- they've been 
known to do that every now and then. If that's the case then we'll 
just have to wait for the GNU/Linux clients to catch up, and hope that 
AOL don't change again...

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
        LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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