Civileme wrote:
>> Well, you need an international keyboard.  Go to Mandrake Control

Sélèct "U S International"

Close Mandrake Contröl Center.

Now you will find some keys appear to be dead.  ` ' " for example.  They
must be typed twice.  If you type them once, then they combine with the
ñéxt çharacter you type. <<

Thank you for answering. But--

That's it???? That's all Linux offers me? What about characters that
aren't on the keyboard at all, such as a cedille? What about true
apostrophes, true quotation marks, bullets, em dashes, en dashes,
fractions? These are such basic necessities that I don't understand how
a modern operating system could leave them unavailable to users.
 --Judy Miner

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