Well assuming you installed it from the rpm ...realplay should be in..
so either you installed the wrong one or you fscked it up.
So it isn't stupid mandrake that YOU don't want to listen to, it is stupid 
lusers IT doesn't want to listen to.

On Monday 09 July 2001 10:31, Mandrake wrote:
> How come when I try to make it launch realplayer it just gives me
> a bunchof shint about "can't launch realplayuer"
> I don't wqtn to hear that rubbish, I just watn it to run realplaer.
> I even use the menu uditor and I use full path
> /usr/local/RealPlayer8/realplay
> and nothing happens so I clicked 1000 times and still worthless click.
> damn it I am very pissed off!!!!!

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