On Monday 09 July 2001 20:52, you wrote:
> Michael,
> Thanks for the response.  Unfortunately, your example doesn't really
> address what I was trying to ask about.
> Maybe the easiest way for me to express myself would be to build on your
> example (in words).
> I'm viewing your page at 800x600.  If you were to put a very long
> preformatted line into the right hand side (2000 characters, for the
> sake of argument), would the other text wrap at the width of the window,
> or would lines only wrap if they exceeded the length of the 2000 line
> character?
> I'd like to find a way to force the wrap to occur at the normal size of
> the window, and only have to horizontally scroll for the one
> preformatted 2000 character line.  (Maybe preformatted isn't the right
> word.  On TWiki I can create such a line by enclosing it in <pre> </pre>
> tags -- I'm not even sure that is real HTML.)

Randy the example I showed you yesterday fixes this, just use tables with a 
fixed pixel width without using the % option and for the text inside have a 
no wrap tag. This way no matter what the user does with the browser <ie> 
resizing, your fonts will not re-wrap and the tables will remain the same 
size with-out resizing.


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