It looks like I was too optimistic. I am still having problems with both LAN
and modem based Internet connections. The modem has the priority at the
moment. It is a US Robotics Sportster 56 Kbps modem. The modem worked fine
under a Red Hat Linux 7.0 quick diagnostic install to see if it worked
properly. With Mandrake back in place, it seems to respond both under
/dev/modem and /dev/ttyS0 the later being where the modem resided under Red
Hat. I am dialing into a pulse (not tone) telephone system, but under Red
Hat, the modem worked fine regardless of whether the "use tone" button was
active or not. I have tried changing the dial init from ATDT to ATDP, but am
unsure as to whether this is the correct command. Isn't there an easier way
of doing this?



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