This may be a winmodem, in which case you have a problem. I went to the
Buslink site, and they list Win98 as one of the requirements. That ain't
good. Read over the winmodem-and-Linux-HOWTO for an explanation of
winmodems versus real modems. If you do have a winmodem, go to and see if a solution exists. 
Good luck, Carroll

Scott Mills wrote:
>     I have the BUSlink USB 56K V90 Modem , I'm running duel boot system
> Win98 SE & LM 8.0  . It's telling me "The port is busy , try to
> configuring it" .
> I tried to re-configure it using different ports & I got the same thing
> . If
> someone
> could give me a little direction .
> Thanks in advance ,
>                              Scott

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