Hey Mark,...Couldn't he use "samba restart" also? From a normal prompt ? If 
he's looking for a Linux browser for samba he could also use xsmbrowser or 
LinNeighborhood. But if he's trying to browse from Windows, then you're bang 
on the money about Windows Explorer. He might also want to run "webmin" on 
the linux box so that he can manage samba remotely on the network. Just a few 
things that have paid off time and again for me.

Dan LaBine

On July 13, 2001 09:15 am, Mark Johnson wrote:
> Just look at the /etc/smb.conf file it's got a ton of examples and get your
> company to go buy you "Using Samba"
> (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1565924495/qid=995029338/sr=2-1/ref
>= aps_sr_b_1_1/103-6289178-7490252) it is definitely worth the $30. If they
> don't buy it for you, go buy it for yourself.
> Other than that post your questions...
> I assume you have it installed.  The first thing after that is to make sure
> the the 'workgroup' attribute is set to your NT workgroup, by default it's
> set to MDKGROUP.  Then you need to decide if you want to use encrypted
> passwords or clear-text.  What I would suggest is to use encrypted password
> and create usernames specifcially for the shares you want to allow access
> to. For example, if you want a marketing share add a user to the server
> called 'marketing', then use 'smbpasswd -a marketing' it'll prompt you for
> a password just like the passwd utility does. Then in the /etc/smb.conf
> uncomment the lines:
>   encrypt passwords = yes
>   smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
> Then specify your share:
> [marketing]
>    path = /shares/marketing
>    public = yes
>    only guest = no
>    writable = yes
>    printable = no
>    valid users = marketing
>    creation mask = 0744
>    directory mask = 0755
> Finally, samba should pick up this new configuration in about 60 seconds.
> If you don't want to wait you can SIGHUB the smbd process.
> If you just want to totally restart samba, use the comment
> '/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart'
> When the marketing guy goes to access the share on linux it'll prompt him
> for a username and password and he can enter the 'marketing'
> username/password.  This will save you from having to send clear-text
> passwords on your network, and save you from having to add every user to
> you linux server.
> Otherwise, get the book and configure samba to use NT authentication, then
> you don't have to  worry about usernames on the linux system since samba
> will validate agains the PDC.
> ps: there is no browser for samba, unless I'm misunderstanding what you are
> wanting.  The Windows users simple use their regular file manager
> application.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: AOL Systems [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 11:04 PM
> > Subject: [newbie] Samba problem!
> >
> >
> > To all my firends
> >
> > Can you pls send me a configuration of SAMBA from installation and
> > configuration cause my notes is missing and I will use it in
> > our office
> > can anyone pls help me
> > I'll be configuring a Linux server to Windows NT and WIN98 workstation
> > pls help me and how can I download the browser for samba.
> >
> >
> > Respectfully
> > AOL
> > www.aolsystems.com
> > "The Technology Specialist"

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