Kevin Fonner wrote:
> I know on the cd's their are two version's of X on the CD.  Version
> 3.something and Version 4.something.  I wanted to install version
> 4.something.  I am sitting here at the package selection screen on
> install and can't seem to find the Xfree86 packages.  Any idea what
> catagories they are under???

No, but under Mandrake 7.2 and 8.0, you don't make that selection at
this stage.  (Maybe you can, but you don't have to.)

Instead, select the other packages that you are interested in, load
those, and later you will come to the X configuration part of the
install, at which point, after you make your selection, the proper
Xfree86 package will be installed.

Aside: You don't always get a choice, IIRC, and I'm not sure exactly
what determines whether you get a choice.  Presumably, the installation
package decides based on whether there are drivers to support your video
card or not.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

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