>> The export can be added to your .profile, .<shell>rc file, or window
>> manager rc file instead of creating a script, which makes for less things
>> to remember.
>> Michael
>Michael, I am quite the newbie in this area. Could you explain exactly how I 
>would do this? Thank you.
>Sincerely, Marcia


All that you need to do is open your favorite editor, go to your ~user
directory,  open the file for the shell you are using (for example, if you
are using csh, the file to add the export line to would be .cshrc; if you
use zsh, edit .zshrc; if you use bash, edit .profile), and then add the
export line in its entirety to the file.

To find out which shell you are using, type in 
"cat /etc/passwd | grep <username>" from the command line without the
quotes and where <username> is your username.  Or, you can check by going
to your favorite GUI-based configuration manager, go to the user add / edit
/ delete section, and lookup the information that way.

Anyways, after you're done with the changes, save the file, exit and log
back in, and you should be all set to go.

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