I'm thinking that they've got the Reiser FS working just fine.  I installed
Mandrake8.0 on my laptop as a single partition / and it's RFS - I've let my
batter die and I've forced an improper reboot and it's never failed me.

I also installed my home desktop with 5 partitions:  /boot, /, /var, /tmp, and
/home - all Reiser and it's never failed me even though I abuse it as well.

As far as incompatibilities, if Linux supports the format then it will work.  It
doesn't matter if you are mixing formats - linux will load the proper driver for
the proper file system.  Windows cannot natively read Reiser, ext2, or even nfs
for that matter.

Michel Clasquin wrote:

> On Friday 13 July 2001 13:32, Alan Smith wrote:
> > Hi All
> > My mdk8.0 system is set up using the e2fs file system mainly because i
> > thougth I read somewhere that reiserfs could not read the windows
> > partition/disk. I do have occasional power failures however and the
> > reiserfs sys would be more stable for me to use.
> No, it's windows that can't read reiserfs partitions (or ext2 for that
> matter). But reiserfs doesn't have to read windows partitions - there is a
> fat32 driver to do that. IIUTC, anyway.
> > If the reisefs file sys can read the windows partition is it possible to
> > set up my sys using the reiserfs file system but keeping /home as e2fs as I
> > do not have adequate means of saving the /home partition and copying it's
> > contents to a new reiserfs /home partition.
> I set mine up the other way round, with /home on reiserfs since that is where
> a lot of writing and deleting takes place, /tmp on a separate little ext2
> partition and everyting else in / on ext2 as well. I'm not sure if this has
> been fixed yet, but a while back the word on the street was that at least
> /boot should NOT be reiserfs.
> I backup my data from both ext and reiserfs quite easily to a FAT32 partition
> on another disk, so I think perhaps your fears are unfounded.
> --
> Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
> This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC
> Note: This is my understanding. It has been known to happen that my
> understanding does not mesh with reality. I gladly accept corrections.

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