Thanks, this is very good info. I think that I will for the nonce set it up 
in an out of the box mode. Don't want to jepordize a $100 cpu. (including fan 
in cost).  I was wondering about the controller card cause I have a set up 
with two HDs a CDRW and a zip and want to add a plain ole CD-ROM. I figured 
the IDE controller card was a easy way to do that. Knowing hardware, code or 
anything much about computing, other than building them, is not my forte. I 
do learn something new every day thanks to folks like you, so someday may 
consider myself competent or is it incontenant? 

On Friday 13 July 2001 23:22, you wrote:

> On Friday 13 July 2001 06:27 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
> > On Friday 13 July 2001 19:56, you wrote:
> > > On Friday 13 July 2001 11:02 am, Terry Smith wrote:
> > > > A few weeks ago there was some discussion about mobos,
> > > > specifically motherboard/chipset combinations that worked well or
> > > > not well with linux.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > "The Soyo was a definite winner here with great support, awesome
> > > performance, and rock-solid stability. It receives our
> > > Top Honors Award and our "Works with Linux"
> > > Certification."
> > >
> > >    I got one (kt7vta pro), and have an oc'd Tbird 1.4 to 1.53g on
> > > it (currently 11.5x135). I'd echo the above recommendation based on
> > > this
> >
> > <snip> whatever mobo you decided on, d/l the appropriate manual from
> > the
> >
> > > manufacturer's webpage and give it a thoro read while you're
> > > waiting for UPS to deliver it ;)
> >
> > Tom, based on one of your previous mails about mwave and also that
> > you went with the soyo, (I have soyo in two of my computers now) I
> > ordered the kt7vta pro and bought a AMD 900 locally to go with it.
> > Now, do you know what is safe to overclock? 10%?
> This I understand and used the term "safe" losely.  And I agree that as the 
user, I am my own worst enemy, re: about 20 reinstalls so far.
>    Safe and overclock are an oxymoron ;) If you've read any of my past
> USER rants (ie, problems == user -> hardware -> then lastly OS, even
> windo$), then i need to add that overclocking merges the hardware
> aspect into USER errors ;>  From what I understand tho, the 900 thru
> the 1.4 gig Tbird is all the same core. My long overclocking experience
> has shown me that it's not the core that's the limiting factor most
> always. The L2 cache is.

Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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