Dear friends:

I've recently downloaded the IBM Websphere HomePage Builder v. 4 for Linux 
(60-day trial version). I would very much appreciate your opinions on this 

First, you can get the program from:

Here are the files:

[sher@localhost IBM-HomePage]$ ls -la
total 43052
drwxrwxrwx    2 root     root         4096 Jul 12 04:23 ./
drwxrwxrwx   20 root     root         4096 Jul 12 02:39 ../
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root      8065661 Jul  9 08:31 hpb4pug.pdf*
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root     19874235 Jul  9 07:39 
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root     14483967 Jul  9 08:26 
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root      1638464 Jan 20 17:17 
[sher@localhost IBM-HomePage]$

The Websphere HomeBuilder runs a special IBM version of wine. Installation is 
absolutely automatic. You just rpm -Uvh the wine file, then the Websphere 
rpms and that's it. You then type "hpbuilder" as user with the appropriate 
argument, e.g.

$hpbuilder -e 

brings up the Webpage editor.

$hpbuilder -c

starts the WebArt Designer interface.

That's it. You don't have to mess with the wine file AT ALL except to install 
it. Once installed, the Websphere HomePage Builder automatically uses it to 
launch its various programs without any action on your part. Wine remains 
totally invisible after installation.

[sher@localhost IBM-HomePage]$ hpbuilder

Usage: hpbuilder [options]
         -a   start the 'Web Animator' program
         -c   start the 'WebArt Designer' program
         -e   start the 'Web page editor' program
         -f   start the 'File Transfer' program
         -g   start online user's guide
         -t   start the 'Multimedia Tutorial' program
         -u   clean up temporary file
         -h   produce this help message
         -v   report hpbuilder version
[sher@localhost IBM-HomePage]$

The program costs $69, so, if it's the right thing, it would certainly seem 
to me to be a reasonable price to pay and a great way to support those who 
support Linux, in this case, IBM.

Now, this program is also available for Windows.


In looking over the program, which has extraordinarily extensive 
documentation (the User's Guide is over 250 pages long and in PDF format, to 
boot! -- you got to give IBM credit here), I was very impressed (as a newbie, 
of course) by all parts of the program. HOWEVER, the Linux version uses 
Netscape 4.x as its browser of choice. 

My question is: If you design pages using Websphere and Netscape 4.x in 
Linux, how will these pages look in Windows (and on the Mac)? Websphere does 
support the latest technologies and standards and protocols.

However, and here are my two questions, will using the Linux version of 
Websphere with Netscape 4.x as the test browser guarantee   

a) that pages and sites generated with Websphere will look just like the 
pages generated with the Websphere for Windows version?


b) that pages and sites generated with Websphere, either for Linux or 
Windows, be compatible with both IE and Netscape and Mozilla in general, 
whatever the platform?

I could ask IBM these questions and I will. However, I wanted to get the 
opinions of USERS. It's not just a question of $69. It's a question of "an 
ounce of prevention..." I would like to know in advance whether Websphere for 
Linux (and secondarily, Websphere for Windows) is the right tool for the job. 
I'd hate to create web sites and pages and then find out I have been using 
the wrong program. 

One thing I am sure about. I would like to avoid at all costs using any 
Microsoft web program like FrontPage. I have already seen what Word97 can do 
to a web site, and I want to stay away as far as possible from Microsoft's 
"standards" and tools. I would prefer to use a neutral tool that can handle 
all platforms. I think the IBM Websphere program may be just what I need. But 
I need confirmation from experts and users who have actually used it 

Thank you very much for listening and I hope to hear from you all.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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