I have fetchmail configured (using fetchmailconf) to fetch my email
(typical ISP email) every 5 minutes. For about ten minutes, it worked
great, as it always had on previous installations of Mandrake I've had
(currently I've dropped back from 8.0 to 7.2). But for some reason, it
stopped working. I have absolutely no idea what I did, but when I boot
Linux, and type fetchmail, it acts like its starting, it shows up in top
and kpm, but it doesn't actually do anything. 

So, I try to bring up fetchmailconf, to see if maybe something went
wrong, and here's what I get:

[rog@ool-18be8465 rog]$
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/bin/fetchmailconf", line 1841, in ?
    hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]
socket.error: host not found
[rog@ool-18be8465 rog]$

I really have no idea what the above is telling me, but uninstalling and
reinstalling the rpms for fetchmail didn't work, and neither did
updating them. I looked at the fetchmailrc file, and all looked as it
should, but it still doesn't work. If I run the command to have it just
see if there's any mail waiting for me on the server, that works, if
that's any help...

Any suggestions?

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