i am currently trying to install Mplayer so that i can view AVI's with
DivX support. I downloaded mplayer-0.17-1.20010501.i686.rpm

i am using Linux Mandrake 8.0 on an Athlon 700mhz machine with 128 MB RAM.
I have a KA7 motherboard 
using GeForce 256 (generic) GeForce 256 DDR graphics card on PCI bus.
i have a Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10000 soundcard on PCI

anyways, when i attempt to use the command rpm -Uvh on the mplayer.rpm
file, i get this message

[root@charter Packages]# rpm -Uvh mplayer-0.17-1.20010501.i686.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
        OpenGL is needed by mplayer-0.17-1.20010501
        libstdc++.so.2.10   is needed by mplayer-0.17-1.20010501
        libtinfo.so.5   is needed by mplayer-0.17-1.20010501
alright, i understand that i need to get OpenGL and the other two files
listed. first task, get OpenGL!

so i download XFree86-OpenGL-libs-4.1.0-2.i686.rpm

i try to rpm -Uvh this particular item and receive the following message

error: failed dependencies:
        XFree86-OpenGL-core is needed by XFree86-OpenGL-libs-4.1.0-2

okay, no problem, i just need to do this by process of elimination,
correct? So i go get this file


download it just fine and attempt to rpm -Uvh this file and run into
another problem

[root@charter Packages]# rpm -Uvh XFree86-OpenGL-libs-4.1.0-2.i686.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
        XFree86-OpenGL-core is needed by XFree86-OpenGL-libs-4.1.0-2
[root@charter Packages]# rpm -Uvh XFree86-OpenGL-core-4.1.0-2.i686.rpm
file /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2 from install of XFree86-OpenGL-core-4.1.0-2 
conflicts with file from package XFree86-libs-4.1.0-6mdk
file /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a from install of 
XFree86-OpenGL-core-4.1.0-2 conflicts with file from package 
file /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a from install of 
XFree86-OpenGL-core-4.1.0-2 conflicts with file from package

don't know what to do from here and i feel pretty stupid at this point.
im super new to linux and despite the fact that i managed to get the
internet running without help (which i saw as a major accomplishment), i
cannot seem to install the correct rpms to get good ol' Mplayer running
for me.



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