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On Saturday 21 July 2001 08:28 am, you wrote:
> 20 bits can represent numbers from 0 to 1048575
> 28 bits can represent numbers from 0 to 268435456 which means for 512 byte
> sectors 134217728, or 128 GB of storage, which is all that LBA (Linear
> Block Addressing) can manage to do for IDE hard drives.  So with 100G disks
> out there, the barrier was approaching fast.
> While filesystems could handle volume size into terabytes on some op
> systems, like linux, and Win2K, handling a single physical extent of that
> volume (which could span parts of many disks) was definitely limited to
> 128Gb (or 134 if you prefer the trade Gigabytes which are only one billion
> characters each)
> Well, out there, leading the world, is guess who?  linux-ide.org
> The barrier has been pushed back a bit...  actually 20 bits.  48 bit LBAs
> are here courtesy of linux-ide.org, Maxtor BIG DRIVE TECHNOLOGY, and
> shortly Silicon Image's CMD 48bit host.
> So what is the maximum size of an IDE drive?
> How does 128 Terabytes sound?  That's enough to hold the Library of
> Congress six times.  It is enough to hold all the documents produced by all
> the government agencies in the United States since 1793.  It is enough to
> hold 2 hours of all the packets sent by 500 slave zombie trojan windows PCs
> in a Distributed Denial of Service attack.
> That should suffice until next year.  Then we may have to start talking
> about Petabytes.
> Civileme
> Anyone need a compiler that supports 64 bit arithmetic on a 32 bit machine?

  Holy shiite muslims Batman!!... I'll take two please <whistle><g>.


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