At 07:17 PM 07/23/2001 -0600, Eric wrote: 
Thanks for your help Alan.  One problem though.   I can't figure it out.

This is it from the start.

I boot/restart  my machine.

It logs into DOS and I have a couple options:  Linux,  Windows, and others.

Ok...are you using lnx4win, or an actual full linux install?  If you are
using lnx4win -- I've not used it, so I can't help with your problem.  On
the other hand, if you are booting into linux (as opposed to into windows,
and then running linux from within windows), here are the steps to fix your

1.  At the LILO prompt type in 'linux single' and press enter.
2.  This will boot you into linux single user mode.  You will be logged in
as root (without giving the root password).
3.  Type 'passwd', then type in your new password twice.
4.  Type 'shutdown -r now'.
5.  After it reboots, log in as root, and do an 'rpm -q sudo' from the
command line (either from an xterm, or via TTY1-6 (CTRL-ALT-[F1 - F6]).
6.  If it is installed, type visudo from the command line (or edit the
/etc/sudoers file).
7.  Add your user name (if you have a user other than root), so that if you
forget the root password again, you can do 'sudo su -' and type in your
user's password)

Also, please try not to post 'HTMLized' e-mail to the list -- many e-mail
clients display all kinds of extra html tags, make the font grayish
(instead of black), or make it smaller (making it that much more difficult
to read).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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