first, thanks to those who have replied to my post.  each of you has
supplied a lot of valuable and thoughtful info.

second, it appears as though i did not word my original post correctly.  i
was not trying to ask the list to tell me how I could make millions because
i could install mandrake 8 and kick ass on sirtet.  though my knowledge base
grows everyday, it is because I know so little.  Socratic, but true.  

The intent was mostly for my own info, and to dispell any "myths" as it
were.  I was really hoping I could start some conversations about what the
"linux career-scape" is and what it might become, just some back and forth
on possible areas where knowledge of linux (or similar) would be an asset.

it would really be nice if a hotly discussed thread on this list did not
involve Microsoft, yes?

I fully understand that people don't walk into an industry with a little
training and take over.  i know this first hand (not complaining).  but at
the same time, i'd like to see if i could make a little cash for my family
doing something I love.  

But you guys have provided some great advice despite my lack of clarity, and
I thank you.

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