There's a 'good' reason why you can't connect, and JUNO gave you line of
BS for two reason.

1)  They don't know how their network works since they don't maintain it.
2)  It's not in their best interest to tell the world how it works.

My "day job" is working for Worldcom, which handles, literally 80% + of
the worlds dial in service.  When you dial in  you hit Worldcom
equipment.  Once you've athenticated on our network, with the userID &
passwd supplied in the software, you're then sent to their network which
you then have to athenticate there as well.  

To authenticate on our network we use PAP.  From there, JUNO uses CHAP.
(At least last I heard they do.)  Now, if somebody were to create a tool
to dialup like that, it would be nice, but I'm sure it would be illegal.
If it's not, then a lot of people would hunt after them trying to sue!

So... what I'd suggest, is break out your phone book.  Look up Internet
services and then find an ISP there.  There are tons of advantages to
doing this.

1)  Local people who can referr you to local dealers.  Local support
2)  Friendly support due to lack of volume.  You call AOL or EarthLink
and you spend a lot of time on hold.  They have POPs all over the world,
they're busy!
3)  Reliable dialup pools for your area.  Since AOL and others have
sucked up such a huge market, the chance of getting busy signals are very
low, and they're caused by TELCO issues, not capacity issues.
4)  Price.  Some of these places have unlimited accounts for $15-$20.
And a direct feed to the Internet.  NO proxies, no transparent proxies.
Just you, your machine, your modem, and the Internet.
5)  Any OS you want!  I worked at a such an ISP for a year.  We supported
Mac OS 7.1+, Win3.x, Win9x, WinNT, *nix.  Since most of those ISPs are
*nix based, they usually have people that can help with a Linux box.

There's a webpage that lists and rates ISPs, but I can't remember the
URL.  Maybe somebody knows of the link. I know I heard Martin on TechTV's
ScreenSavers mention the URL and other ways to help. Check out their
site, they may have it there and available. 

One other thing I'd suggest.  Join a Linux Users Group. (LUG)  Almost all
of them have mailing lists.  Local people who can suggest and swear by
their ISP.  People in your area to suggeset an ISP in your area.

Hope that helps!

T. Holmes
"Real Men Use Vi!"

 11:38am  up 6 days, 12:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
| Right now I have Juno as my dial up ISP. I tried connecting to Juno
| by typing modem commands like,
| atdt .....
| I get connected. When I enter the user/passwd it says there is a
| user/passwd mismatch. I asked customer service and they said,
| I have to use their dialing software because their dialing software
| encryptes my password.
| So they said their software supports Windows only.
| Can anyone suggest me a dial up ISP where there is no kind of
| special dialing software I am forced to use for encryption. This would help 
| me get connected to the internet from Linux.
| Regards,
| Karthigan.
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