is there no CDrom in the network?
3 gigs will be A LOT of floppies to get the whole sheeebang into your 
machines. do you have a fast internet connection?
there are alternet boot.img for installing from the network. where are you 
getting mandrake from will have a lot to do with what boot.img you will need. 

On Friday 27 July 2001 22:43, Marcos Nobre wrote:
> Hi all.
> Imagine a sub-network with 10 windows-boxes.  These machines does not
> have DD and it does not contain CDROM drive.  Simply they are connected
> in the same network.  Its HDs measures 10gb and contains windows-ME
> installed as primary operational system.
> In these conditions, how can I would install Linux OS (MDK8) on these
> boxes ?
> Remember that winme does not allow F8 to get a MS-Dos for partitioning
> or things like this.
> Can any one help me with this ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Marcos Nobre

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