At 09:26 AM 07/28/2001 -0400, alex wrote:
>When using a shared /home directory in Mandrake and Libranet, will a new
>user name that is created in one system be available in the other
No, the user names will not be available cross-distro, because you will not
have the same /etc/passwd, and /etc/shadow, since I wouldn't suggest using
the same / partition for both distros.

  And, if a new application is added to the /home directory in
>one system, will it be available in the other system?
If you are talking about software, not necessarily.  It depends on whether
or not the libraries are the same between the two distros.
>Further,  during the installation of the two systems with a shared /home
>directory, what happens when their individual /home directories are
>installed into that shared directory?  Isn't the first /home partition 
>wiped out by formatting during the installation of the second system?

Unless you choose to format /home, no.  Before you install the second
distro, boot into Libranet (which I would suggest installing first, since
I'm not sure how it behaves during installation), and write down what
partition (/dev/hd[a-d][1-10]) the /home partition is on.  This should be
in the /etc/fstab file.  When you install Mandrake, select that partition
as the /home, and make sure it is de-selected when it asks which partitions
you want to format.

Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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