> I installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 Complete on my PC, it works so far.
> I now wanted to install a new application I got from the internet as tar
> file. After untaring it I followed the installation instruction. The first
> step was to type 'make'. And what happened? I got the error message:
>  'bash: make: command not found'
> I issued a find to look for the make command, but there is no make command.
> I tried the same on a RedHat installation I have and it worked there and by
> the way the make command there is under /usr/bin.
> But under Mandrake there is nothing.
> I think I must be doing somethin wrong, I don't believe, that it is not
> possible to install applications using make under Mandrake Linux complete.
> Can somebody help?
> --
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Log in as root, and cd to a folder with makefile in it. Then, try it

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