Hello !!

I have 2 very newbie questions:

1- I had a disk with WinME and Win2000Server in dual boot. I then installed
Mandrake-Linux 8.0 in a free partition, with all success. It modified my
boot with this screen that lets me choose the O.S. tu use. Ok, now I plan to
remove my Mandrake-Linux from this partition (I installed it in another PC I
got, since I saw it worked perfectly).
The question is: ¿How can I "uninstall Mandrake-Linux, so that my previous
Windows DualBoot returns?

2- ¿How can I set LICQ to load wit a default user which is not the one I
installed it with, but a new one I added later? Or, ¿How can I uninstall all
LICQ to reinstall it with the appropiate user?

Thanks for your help! And forgive the newbieness of my questions.


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