I think it is Nautilus that causes the problem, not GNOME, or at least 
not running GNOME progs in KDE. I have been using gnome cal and gnumeric 
with no problems (from KDE). I still haven't resolved the problems in 
GNOME itself, but I don't think it is running GNOME progs in KDE that 
causes the problems.


Registered Linux user # 217118
skinky wrote:

> Hi all
> I had the same problem.  I was also using Gnome apps in KDE and vice versa, but 
>after a few days Gnome did the big crash thing which completely locked up my system 
>(had to use the dreaded reset button).  Because I'm a sucker for punishment, I went 
>back into Gnome a few more times with the same result each time.  I'm not sure what 
>caused it because I had also tried out Enlightenment and a few others.  So I've just 
>uninstalled and reintalled LM8 and haven't been brave enough to try Gnome again or 
>run the Gnome apps in KDE.
> Can someone please advise whether or not its OK to use Gnome apps in KDE.
> Cheers
> skinky
> PS.  Sorry if the font is italicised - having just got my new external serial modem 
>(YAY!!  No more booting back into Windows every 10 mins  :-))  I'm trying out KMail 
>and can't seem to get the font thing sorted for replying/composing.
> On Wednesday 01 August 2001 22:05, you wrote:
>> On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 15:19, Charles A. Punch wrote:
>>> nkey wrote:
>>>> im just now beginning to run GNOME (was using KDE) and id like to
>>>> change the color of my fonts on my desktop but cannot find an
>>>> option anywhere to let me change this!
>>>> GACK!
>>>> is it possible to do so?
>>>> thanks!
>>>> im using Sawfish and also letting Nautilus draw my desktop. so im
>>>> not sure whats up. if i turn off that nautilus feature, my text
>>>> goes from white ot black, but i cant seem to get any other text
>>>> colors on my desktop.
>>>> luke
>>> I have been using mainly KDE, but every once in a while I try
>>> GNOME. It seems that I always get a kind of bleed through effect.
>>> Sometimes when I am in KDE the desktop icons from GNOME will bleed
>>> through and vice versa. I do use GNOME programs in KDE and vice
>>> versa. I am wondering if this has anything to do with it. It
>>> doesn't seem to crash anything but is mostly annoying. The really
>>> strange thing is that I don't use any desktop icons except "Trash."
>>> The first thing I do after an install is get rid of them. I have
>>> had these kind of problems in several versions of Mandrake and I
>>> always wind up going back to KDE, because the problems seem to go
>>> away  after awhile,. if I just use KDE. If I continue to use GNOME,
>>> it seems that it gets worse . I can't seem to get the settings in
>>> GNOME to stay where I set them. They keep changing back to the
>>> defaults.  Last week I ran Netscape in GNOME and it changed (spell
>>> checked perhaps?) my address in my mail settings and changed the
>>> number (0) to the letter (o). as a result anyone who replied to my
>>> mail would get a return. It also sent some of my mail with blank
>>> body text. (the subject line was all that was readable). I think
>>> GNOME has possibilities and it seems to be less and less buggy with
>>> each new release, but I have to go with KDE for now. Sorry I don't
>>> have any answers, but sometimes listing the problems helps in
>>> running down the solution.
>> That's really odd. I've been using GNOME as my primary desktop for
>> almost two years, and I've never had any problems like these. For
>> your desktop icon problems, what apps cause this? I know that if you
>> run Nautilus without the --no-desktop tag, or GMC without the
>> --nodesktop tag, they will try to manage your desktop.

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