>doesn't matter the flavor of Win the proceedure is the same. Use a windows 
>boot disk to boot into dos and fdisk and delete  the partition reformat to 
>a fat32 and all the rest and linux is gone, although that is the backwards 
>way of doing it, you need to delete windows IMHO. : -)

Actually, the correct (and somewhat safer) procedure is:

1.  Boot into linux (toms rootboot, or other single floppy distro)
2.  Login as root, if required
3.  Run linux fdisk, delete all ext2 partitions (windows fdisk usually does
correctly recognize ext2 partitions, and hence doesn't delete the partitions)
4.  Reboot to a windows boot disk.
5.  Run fdisk /mbr.
6.  Reboot to a windows boot disk, run fdisk, create fat32 partition(s) as
you want.
7.  Reboot to windows, format the partition(s) you just created.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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