
>Thanks, but I mean something more like a GUI file browser, like nautilus
>or explorer (or PowerDesk for windows) that allows me to browse easily
>through a large number of text files in a folder and preview (read) them
>in a side window while that file is highlighted.  Similar to GQview, but
>for text files, not pictures.

    But it exists by default, or at least very close to what you are 
I use KDE as my desktop environment. The Konqueror browser does that
(i.e. you get all the tree structure at the left - by default at least - and 
you can
browse the directories. Now if your text files are in a given directory,
select that dir in the left section, so that it opens and that you see your
text files. A single click to any file opens the file (be it text, a tar 
a zip file (as long as you have zip installed), etc...)
    I am not sure, but probably it exists in GNOME as well.
    As for the text file only, I don't remember, but I guess you have 
and search features, otherwise I would have noticed.

    By the way, I have never been able to configure the font to browse
text files, and that's why I use the good old emacs. Does anybody know how to
configure Konqueror so that it displays with a larger font?
    Konqueror's settings or preferences menus do ot have any influence
on the text browsing font. Probably because Konqueror borrows an external
editor. I have tried to set the font of the editors around, but no way...


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