The DOS version of fdisk /mbr won't kill NT-Loader, SYS C: would however.   I 
learned this after alot of banging my head on the keyboard after trying to 
restore my laptop to Win95 some years ago!

If you ever need to restore Bill's boot menu, just start a winnt install and 
choose to "Repair an Installation", just stop the install before it actually 
starts copying files otherwise you'll mess up your existing WINNT install!

After you have restored Bill's bootloader you can restore LILO by booting up 
Linux with your bootdisk (you *did* make a bootdisk, didn't you?) and run 
LILO.  Make sure you've added your WINNT and DOS partitions to /etc/lilo.conf 
before you run /sbin/lilo... You should also check with Linux's fdisk that 
the active partition is set to whichever partition LILO gets installed to.

There's some excellent HOWTOs in the Linux Documentation Project for doing a 
multi-boot the NT and Linux, read them before you go any further!

On Saturday 04 August 2001 11:05, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
> Hi,
> Because of the resolver problem and other problems, I have decided to
> try version 7.2 instead of 8.0.
> I have D*S and W*ndo*s NT4.0 installed on the machine. I need to keep
> those UNFORTUNATELY :(  I am going to take the following two steps to
> uninstall
> mdk 8.0 and install mdk 7.2 instead:
> 1) Use NT to delete all the linux partitions.
> 2) Use mdk 7.2 install to create the required linux partitions and
> install mdk 7.2
> There is an issue with LILO, however. Currently, with 8.0 installed,
> LILO lets me boot DOS instead of linux and from there I get B*ll Gates
> boot menu from which I chose NT or DOS boot. Now when I take step (1)
> above and without doing "fdisk /mbr" LILO stays there and it still works
> for booting the D*S and W*ndo*s. I am hesitant to try "fdisk /mbr"
> because doing that will allow me to boot D*S and I am not sure I will
> get the b*ll Gates menu selection that allows me to boot NT instead of
> D*S.
> DO I have to do "fdisk /mbr" before installing 7.2? What would be the
> repercussions if I did not? If I do have to do "fdisk /mbr", how will I
> be able to boot D*S or NT without LILO?
> Thanx,
> Seedkum

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