I don't think it's that your questions are stupid or that this is volunteer
work, I think it's that the people who would respond are not exactly sure how to
solve your problem, so they haven't responded.  I know that's true in my case.
Quoting Gonzalix le Druide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi all !
> I have posted some problems here without answer. I know this is a
> volonteer work, and may be my questions were too stupids, but I will
> appreciate some attention because I'm on stall for many weeks.
> I have LM 7.2 on a Pentium II. I've had many problems. Right now is the
> X server. As my monitor didn't work with XFree, some guru told me to
> install the FBDev server. I succeded once, but after some manipulations
> with DrakConf on KDE I had a mess. So I reinstalled. Then I can't make X
> work, even with the installation of FBDev.
> I'll appreciate any ideas
> G le D
> ---

Ignorance is underrated

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