On Wednesday 08 August 2001  6:50 pm, you wrote:
> Hi All,
>       I seem to be having a bit of a problem with KMail 2.1.2
> Even after ticking the box that says prefer plain text to html it still
> seems to render html in emails I receive. Can't figure out why.
> I am using:
> LM 8.0
> KDE 2.1.1 with the 2.1.2 updates
> Kernel 2.4.3-20mdk
> wwwoffle proxy server
>       Any help or suggestions welcome.
>                                       Robin

Got it sorted thanks. Took a look at the 'READER' section of Kmailrc in 
.kde/share/config/kmailrc and changed htmlMail=false to htmlMail=true.
Yes I know this is the wrong way round and it also leaves the 'Prefer 
plain-text to HTML rendering' box unticked in the 'Configure Kmail' box,
but it works. Any html mail with links and code now shows as plain text, with 
my fonts and no silly adverts etc.
My system must be either back to front or else there is a bug in 2.1.2
Only hope now I'm not sending out HTML to the list. Perhaps someone could let 
me know if I am.

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