dunno about everyone else, but I save /root (I have a nasty tendency to save
stuff in there when working as root.)
I also save /etc and /usr (or if its too big, just the apps and configs in
and i  save my www dir in /var

I hang onto the copies only till I am competely sure that the new install
works perfectly..

once I know that, I usually wipe the old files and do a backup of the new



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Shaw
Sent: Monday, 13 August 2001 6:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] Reinstalling without pain?

Recently I had a system crash that wiped out my LM7.2 desktop
completely (the one with the cartoon penguins) and left me
with only standard KDE -- which is okay, I guess, but I really
want the other one back.

After trying and failing to get help both here and via the
"MandrakeExpert" feature of the LM website, I've decided to
just bite the bullet and reinstall the OS.  I have /home as a
separate partition, so I don't think any of my users' (me and
my SO actually) stuff will get blown away, but:

Is there anything like a canonical list of files one should
save before reinstalling?  I'm thinking of stuff like /etc/
passwd, rc.local, etc.   I can come up with a few of these
myself without too much thought, but I bet one or two of you
out there have already faced this problem and might have
something to say about it....

Anything else I should keep in mind?

Mark Shaw

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